VISTONY has more than 25 years of experience in the lubrication market at a national and international level. Get to know us more


VISTONY is a leading transnational company in manufacturing, marketing and lubricants, refrigerants and auxiliary products for maintenance. We have more than 25 years in the market, satisfying the needs of the automotive and industrial sectors.

We have a modern plant in Peru with a storage capacity of 3 million gallons and a laboratory with the highest technology that guarantees the quality of our products.

VISTONY has the certification of recognition of international standards, generated by the Quality Management System ISO 9001 - 2015. In addition, the brand is an Active Member of the NLGI (Institute for the Standardization of Lubricating Greases), which standardizes the quality of the oils and greases in their production processes at an international level.

Our high quality products have achieved the capture and positioning of the brand in national and international markets, achieving the preference and satisfaction of our customers. We are the only lubricant plant for cars and motorcycles in Peru, which has the authorization of the Ministry of Energy and Mining and by OSINERGMIN, according to Directorial Resolution No. J058-2010-EM of the Hydrocarbons Directorate and Supreme Decree No. 51-93-EM / Supreme Decree 052-93 - EM and Supreme Decree 043-2007, for the use and operation of more than 100 thousand gallons of oils and 1500 metric tons of lubricating greases.